We Will Benefit A Lot From Losing Fat
October 9, 2017 | by

Submitted by: Arion A Heaef
This will exercise your muscles used half fat and half use GLYCOGEN. Obviously, if you want to remove the fat, we can do low fierce into fierce campaign. All in all, the prerequisite for doing any exercise is nutritious enough, and crabs do not overdose.
All sports can burn calories, but in the end those movements is the burning of fat calories? Answer is low competitive sport, outdoor, high speed and will not let you breath, and can last for several hours, which most of them are fat burning.
In a fierce campaign, such as standard aerobics classes, usually remain at 1-2 hours. This will exercise your muscles used half fat and half use GLYCOGEN. Highly competitive sport, where athletes race, usually only lasting from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. Obviously, if you want to eliminate the fat, we should do fierce low to moderately intense exercise.
Low competitive sport, in addition to burning fat directly, it also has more useful metabolic effects. Low steroid will burn a small number of glucose, so it will make your blood sugar to normal value minimum value. Low-normal blood sugar can reduce your insulin, which will make the fat cells release fatty acids, and when you rest your energy. Low intense exercise can continue to burn after you exercise, fat, this is a good thing for dieters.
Of course, if you only eat low insulin diet without exercise, as long as blood sugar enough for your brain and nerve, you can also maintain a low normal blood sugar and burn fat. However, if combined with sports, the effect will be even better.
Obviously, each of our meals (or snacks) Yang tolerance so that we eat too many crabs, the consequences are fat-burning system will be closed until you come in eat carbohydrates consumed. If you do, I suggest you go back and forth several times on the street.
Intense sports so that your blood sugar becomes too low, your brain and nervous system for such a low blood sugar “unhappy”, and therefore require you to eat more.
When you exercise, feel the hunger, which means that you consume some of the stored glucose. Your glycogen storage capacity is already the case of inactivity, usually only sufficient for 12 to 15 hours. Low fierce campaign will let you consume some amount of GLYCOGEN storage. Note, your brain at any time in the observation of whether enough glycogen, if insufficient, it will tell you to eat to complement. So, what do you feel hungry what should I eat after exercise? Not eat, then the brain will “not happy” Eating too many carbohydrates will fat burning system to lock up. Some low GI foods you should eat, make you hurry up and stop the hunger, but can continue to burn fat.
All in all, the prerequisite for doing any exercise is nutritious enough, and crabs do not overdose. Do sports do not have the pressure, or forced to feel. Relax for the Games feel more and more health.
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